Thursday, April 06, 2006

$10 going in...

ok, im a bit hung over today, when out beer gathering yesterday so bare with me as i find the time to update everything and fix up logical mistakes on the other pages of trashicon...

but the main reason for this post is the brilliant fund rasing ideas that yarra trams have put together. if you have ever been on the old 'w' class trams ... the ones where you have to get out and push if the slope of the road goes over 25 degrees.. you may have seen this little sticker up the back. it applies to all those hooligans who live their lives to break the rules.

you are not allowed to get out of the wrong side of the tram. makes sense, most likely you will be run over by another tram, reason a: because that's where the trams run, b: because even if the tram driver tries to slow down, they have no breaks, so he cant.

but that's not the funny thing here, the thing is that if you do get caught 'departing from the wrong side' you will get slapped with a whopping ten dollar fine. thats it,

$10? i say its worth it for the rush... how about you...


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