Sunday, March 26, 2006

way to go melbourne ptc ... a long way to go

well we all now how fickle any thing with the word 'public' in the title. Things like 'public' toilets (toilet paper = sand paper), 'public' libary (you never find the books you need), 'public' opinon. .. well you get the gist of it.

But this rant is more to the point of the melbourne 'public' transport company. The state of the union for the past, well fancy that two fuckin weeks, when the australia games have been on. If you had tried to board a tram / bus / train in this time, you would have noticed one of two things...

1 - the service didnt even come and you were forced to pay ten times mor for a shitty cab, driven by a guy who happent slept since galipoli.

2 - the 'service' which eventually did arrive was too full of people in fluro blue and orange shirt jumping over each other to chat to the driver (coz thats what they do these 'volenters', and people over 108 years old. and you couldnt get on and were forced to th the next cab that came along, with the same describtion as the one above but this time with a mini mirror ball hanging from the rear view mirror.

hear is a scene from the last tram i tried to catch home from the city.... mind you th tram was already full when it arrived.

yep all these people waiting for an unaircondition carrage of death....


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